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  1. #81
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    Predefinito Re: Notizie Meteo dal Mondo

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da iceberg Visualizza Messaggio
    ma la - 3 in bahrein come la vedete? è un record ?
    Quando è prevista?
    Se non è record poco ci manca

  2. #82
    Vento forte L'avatar di Albert0
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    Predefinito Re: Notizie Meteo dal Mondo

    Quel che rimane del freddo ( e forse di buona parte del meglio dell'inverno).
    Gelicidio ai piedi delle alpi , baviera tirolo


  3. #83
    Vento forte L'avatar di Albert0
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    Predefinito Re: Notizie Meteo dal Mondo

    Sta' cedendo l'ultima armata del freddo, la sacca del CE

    In slovenia occidentale, Postumia pioviggina con +5C.
    Ancora ieri mattina -10C , dopo un mese di sottozero.

  4. #84
    Data Registrazione
    Taunton, Somerset UK / Padova
    88 Post(s)

    Predefinito Re: Notizie Meteo dal Mondo

    Slovacchia, netto raddolcimento termico, ma nonostante le previsioni di pioggia (qualche goccia o gelicidio c'è comunque stato) ieri gran neve! Spesso con temperature poco <0°C. Oggi invece poco >0°C a bassa quota.
    E' stato ufficialmente il più freddo gennaio ed il più freddo mese degli ultimi 30 anni in tutto il paese, con minime record fino a -35/-30°C nella prima metà in alcune località, ed una lunga collezione di minime ripetutamente tra -25°C e -15°C in pianura e nelle valli dall'inizio alla fine

  5. #85
    Vento fresco L'avatar di Carnby
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    Predefinito Re: Notizie Meteo dal Mondo

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Stefano De C. Visualizza Messaggio
    Quando è prevista?
    Se non è record poco ci manca
    Ma ci sono carte che confermano questa cosa qui?
    Termoigrometro Oregon Scientific EMR812HGN/THGR228N su schermo passivo Davis

  6. #86
    Vento forte L'avatar di Albert0
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    Predefinito Re: Notizie Meteo dal Mondo

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da iceberg Visualizza Messaggio
    ma la - 3 in bahrein come la vedete? è un record ?
    Non ho idea.
    Nel frattempo ci siamo, in kuwait la -8C (!)

  7. #87
    Vento fresco L'avatar di Carnby
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    Predefinito Re: Notizie Meteo dal Mondo

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Albert0 Visualizza Messaggio
    Non ho idea.
    Nel frattempo ci siamo, in kuwait la -8C (!)
    Ma dove? GFS 6z mette una −2 su Bahrein e Qatar e una 0 sul Kuwait.
    Termoigrometro Oregon Scientific EMR812HGN/THGR228N su schermo passivo Davis

  8. #88
    Data Registrazione
    Taunton, Somerset UK / Padova
    88 Post(s)

    Predefinito Re: Notizie Meteo dal Mondo

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Carnby Visualizza Messaggio
    Ma dove? GFS 6z mette una −2 su Bahrein e Qatar e una 0 sul Kuwait.
    Ma intendi davvero il Kuwait? No perché a occhio c'è tra -4°C e -2°C, mentre stanotte è passata una -6/-5°C (vabbé non è una -8°C ok):



  9. #89
    Vento forte L'avatar di Albert0
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    Predefinito Re: Notizie Meteo dal Mondo

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Carnby Visualizza Messaggio
    Ma dove?
    Nella realta', cioe' sondaggio 0z

  10. #90
    Vento teso L'avatar di biddo
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    Sesto San Giovanni (
    5 Post(s)

    Predefinito Re: Notizie Meteo dal Mondo

    Ecco il radiosondaggio dalle ore 00Z del 02 feb località Al Qaisumah in Arabia Saudita, molto vicina al confine Kuwaitiano

    40373 OEPA Al-Qaisumah Observations at 00Z 02 Feb 2017

    hPa m C C % g/kg deg knot K K K
    1000.0 189
    980.0 358 7.0 2.7 74 4.77 0 23 281.8 295.2 282.6
    979.0 366 6.6 -2.4 53 3.29 10 9 281.4 290.9 282.0
    945.0 652 3.7 -2.7 63 3.32 5 25 281.4 290.9 281.9
    939.0 704 3.2 -2.8 65 3.33 1 21 281.4 290.9 281.9
    928.0 799 4.1 -2.6 61 3.41 355 13 283.3 293.1 283.9
    925.0 825 4.4 -2.6 60 3.43 345 11 283.8 293.7 284.4
    917.0 896 6.3 -1.5 57 3.74 295 8 286.5 297.4 287.2
    916.0 905 6.6 -1.4 57 3.79 291 8 286.9 297.9 287.5
    909.0 968 6.8 -1.7 55 3.74 265 10 287.7 298.6 288.3
    901.0 1041 7.0 -2.0 53 3.68 268 11 288.6 299.5 289.3
    899.0 1059 7.0 -2.0 53 3.69 268 12 288.8 299.7 289.4
    850.0 1517 2.8 -3.2 65 3.57 285 20 289.1 299.6 289.7
    843.0 1582 2.2 -3.5 66 3.51 285 20 289.1 299.5 289.8
    709.0 2949 -9.8 -10.8 93 2.38 265 30 290.5 297.8 290.9
    700.0 3050 -10.7 -11.3 95 2.31 265 34 290.6 297.6 291.0
    698.0 3072 -10.7 -11.8 92 2.23 265 34 290.8 297.6 291.2
    694.0 3116 -9.1 -23.1 31 0.86 266 35 293.1 295.9 293.2
    685.0 3217 -8.5 -27.5 20 0.59 267 36 294.9 296.8 295.0
    644.0 3694 -10.5 -34.5 12 0.32 271 44 297.8 299.0 297.9
    620.0 3986 -9.7 -52.7 2 0.05 274 48 302.0 302.2 302.0
    614.0 4060 -10.1 -52.9 2 0.05 275 49 302.4 302.6 302.5
    551.0 4888 -13.9 -54.9 2 0.04 254 61 307.4 307.5 307.4
    543.0 4999 -13.3 -55.3 2 0.04 251 63 309.4 309.5 309.4
    500.0 5620 -18.5 -59.5 1 0.03 235 72 310.4 310.5 310.4
    477.0 5967 -21.4 -60.5 2 0.02 230 73 311.1 311.2 311.1
    441.0 6545 -26.2 -62.2 2 0.02 235 68 312.1 312.2 312.1
    440.0 6562 -26.3 -62.3 2 0.02 235 69 312.1 312.2 312.1
    422.0 6864 -27.1 -64.1 2 0.02 242 85 314.8 314.9 314.8
    403.0 7196 -28.3 -66.2 1 0.01 250 103 317.4 317.5 317.4
    400.0 7250 -28.5 -66.5 1 0.01 250 105 317.9 317.9 317.9
    355.0 8094 -32.5 -62.5 3 0.02 246 130 323.5 323.6 323.5
    348.0 8232 -33.7 -61.5 4 0.03 245 134 323.8 323.9 323.8
    319.0 8834 -38.9 -56.9 13 0.05 245 133 324.7 324.9 324.7
    300.0 9250 -42.3 -67.3 5 0.01 245 133 325.6 325.7 325.6
    297.0 9318 -42.9 -63.9 8 0.02 244 134 325.7 325.8 325.7
    276.0 9809 -46.0 -64.8 10 0.02 240 143 328.2 328.3 328.2
    250.0 10470 -50.1 -66.1 13 0.02 240 133 331.4 331.6 331.5
    246.0 10575 -50.5 -67.5 12 0.02 240 136 332.4 332.5 332.4
    227.0 11101 -49.1 -72.7 5 0.01 245 138 342.2 342.3 342.2
    200.0 11930 -46.9 -80.9 1 0.00 255 113 358.3 358.4 358.3
    193.0 12167 -46.3 -81.8 1 0.00 250 104 363.0 363.0 363.0
    191.0 12236 -46.1 -82.1 1 0.00 250 104 364.4 364.4 364.4
    150.0 13810 -55.9 -86.9 1 0.00 260 93 373.6 373.6 373.6
    147.0 13936 -56.6 -87.1 1 0.00 260 94 374.6 374.6 374.6
    114.0 15523 -64.9 -89.9 2 0.00 246 72 387.3 387.3 387.3
    113.0 15576 -65.0 -89.9 2 0.00 245 71 388.1 388.1 388.1
    102.0 16200 -66.3 -89.6 3 0.00 260 70 397.2 397.2 397.2
    100.0 16320 -66.5 -89.5 3 0.00 265 72 399.0 399.0 399.0
    Station information and sounding indices

    Station identifier: OEPA
    Station number: 40373
    Observation time: 170202/0000
    Station latitude: 28.31
    Station longitude: 46.13
    Station elevation: 358.0
    Showalter index: 10.75
    Lifted index: 16.61
    LIFT computed using virtual temperature: 16.56
    SWEAT index: 112.02
    K index: 17.50
    Cross totals index: 15.30
    Vertical totals index: 21.30
    Totals totals index: 36.60
    Convective Available Potential Energy: 0.00
    CAPE using virtual temperature: 0.00
    Convective Inhibition: 0.00
    CINS using virtual temperature: 0.00
    Bulk Richardson Number: 0.00
    Bulk Richardson Number using CAPV: 0.00
    Temp [K] of the Lifted Condensation Level: 269.08
    Pres [hPa] of the Lifted Condensation Level: 850.04
    Mean mixed layer potential temperature: 281.88
    Mean mixed layer mixing ratio: 3.35
    1000 hPa to 500 hPa thickness: 5431.00
    Precipitable water [mm] for entire sounding: 9.68
    40373 OEPA Al-Qaisumah Observations at 12Z 02 Feb 2017

    hPa m C C % g/kg deg knot K K K
    1000.0 210
    982.0 358 8.8 2.8 66 4.79 310 33 283.4 297.0 284.2
    981.0 366 8.7 2.2 64 4.59 310 9 283.4 296.4 284.1
    953.0 605 4.8 -15.2 22 1.24 300 21 281.8 285.6 282.0
    925.0 848 2.4 -15.6 25 1.23 290 19 281.8 285.5 282.0
    921.0 883 2.1 -15.6 26 1.24 290 19 281.8 285.6 282.0
    850.0 1523 -3.9 -15.9 39 1.31 290 26 282.1 286.0 282.3
    832.0 1691 -5.2 -16.6 40 1.26 285 26 282.4 286.3 282.7
    816.0 1843 -6.3 -17.3 41 1.21 292 28 282.8 286.5 283.0
    809.0 1911 -4.7 -29.7 12 0.41 296 29 285.2 286.6 285.3
    797.0 2028 -4.3 -32.3 9 0.32 301 30 286.9 287.9 286.9
    792.0 2078 -4.3 -32.3 9 0.32 304 31 287.4 288.5 287.4
    789.0 2107 -4.5 -32.7 9 0.31 305 31 287.5 288.5 287.5
    709.0 2939 -10.3 -43.3 5 0.12 292 42 290.0 290.4 290.0
    700.0 3037 -9.9 -45.9 3 0.09 290 43 291.5 291.8 291.5
    691.0 3137 -10.3 -46.3 3 0.09 288 44 292.1 292.4 292.1
    684.0 3215 -9.7 -41.7 5 0.14 286 45 293.6 294.2 293.7
    642.0 3700 -12.2 -40.3 8 0.18 275 51 296.2 296.9 296.3
    620.0 3967 -13.5 -39.5 9 0.20 274 53 297.6 298.4 297.7
    604.0 4165 -14.7 -37.7 12 0.25 273 55 298.5 299.4 298.5
    500.0 5570 -23.7 -52.7 5 0.06 265 67 304.1 304.3 304.1
    492.0 5686 -24.6 -53.9 5 0.05 265 68 304.3 304.5 304.3
    482.0 5835 -25.9 -55.4 5 0.04 265 67 304.6 304.8 304.6
    464.0 6109 -28.1 -58.1 4 0.03 265 72 305.2 305.3 305.2
    400.0 7160 -33.3 -64.3 3 0.02 265 90 311.6 311.7 311.6
    382.0 7482 -34.5 -66.9 2 0.01 265 92 314.1 314.2 314.1
    374.0 7630 -35.1 -68.1 2 0.01 264 100 315.3 315.3 315.3
    356.0 7974 -34.1 -71.1 1 0.01 260 117 321.1 321.1 321.1
    319.0 8728 -39.2 -69.8 2 0.01 260 119 324.2 324.3 324.2
    300.0 9150 -42.1 -69.1 4 0.01 260 114 325.9 326.0 325.9
    285.0 9496 -44.5 -69.5 4 0.01 263 111 327.3 327.3 327.3
    253.0 10291 -47.7 -74.7 3 0.01 270 104 333.9 333.9 333.9
    250.0 10370 -47.3 -75.3 3 0.01 270 102 335.6 335.6 335.6
    200.0 11850 -45.5 -81.5 1 0.00 270 100 360.6 360.6 360.6
    197.0 11951 -44.9 -81.9 1 0.00 270 101 363.1 363.1 363.1
    180.0 12543 -47.1 -82.8 1 0.00 270 110 369.0 369.0 369.0
    167.0 13035 -48.9 -83.5 1 0.00 265 98 373.9 374.0 373.9
    150.0 13740 -51.5 -84.5 1 0.00 270 106 381.1 381.1 381.1
    141.0 14128 -53.5 -85.3 1 0.00 275 107 384.4 384.4 384.4
    118.0 15243 -59.4 -87.7 1 0.00 280 84 393.6 393.6 393.6
    100.0 16280 -64.9 -89.9 2 0.00 270 64 402.1 402.1 402.1
    99.0 16341 -65.2 -90.0 2 0.00 270 64 402.6 402.6 402.6
    88.7 17006 -68.9 -90.9 3 0.00 255 64 408.1 408.1 408.1
    86.0 17190 -69.1 -90.9 3 0.00 250 64 411.4 411.4 411.4
    71.0 18335 -70.1 -91.1 3 0.00 260 54 432.4 432.4 432.4
    70.4 18386 -70.1 -91.1 3 0.00 266 53 433.4 433.4 433.4
    70.0 18420 -69.9 -90.9 3 0.00 270 52 434.5 434.5 434.5
    69.0 18506 -69.4 -90.8 3 0.00 270 48 437.4 437.4 437.4
    65.4 18826 -67.5 -90.5 3 0.00 261 37 448.3 448.3 448.3
    63.0 19049 -68.4 -90.8 3 0.00 255 29 451.0 451.0 451.0
    61.0 19242 -69.2 -91.2 3 0.00 250 35 453.4 453.4 453.4
    58.0 19543 -70.5 -91.6 3 0.00 265 44 457.1 457.1 457.1
    57.6 19584 -70.7 -91.7 3 0.00 269 42 457.6 457.6 457.6
    57.0 19647 -69.0 -91.8 2 0.00 275 39 462.8 462.8 462.8
    55.9 19764 -65.9 -91.9 2 0.00 267 35 472.5 472.5 472.5
    55.0 19862 -66.1 -91.9 2 0.00 260 31 474.3 474.3 474.3
    54.0 19973 -66.3 -91.8 2 0.00 245 34 476.3 476.3 476.3
    52.0 20201 -66.7 -91.7 2 0.00 260 43 480.5 480.5 480.5
    51.9 20213 -66.7 -91.7 2 0.00 260 43 480.7 480.8 480.7
    50.0 20440 -62.7 -92.7 1 0.00 270 34 495.3 495.3 495.3
    49.4 20515 -62.1 -92.1 1 0.00 274 34 498.4 498.4 498.4
    48.0 20691 -62.4 -92.1 1 0.00 285 33 501.8 501.8 501.8
    46.0 20952 -62.9 -92.0 1 0.00 280 29 506.7 506.7 506.7
    45.0 21086 -63.2 -92.0 1 0.00 280 30 509.3 509.3 509.3
    42.0 21509 -64.0 -91.9 1 0.00 315 16 517.5 517.5 517.5
    41.0 21657 -64.2 -91.9 1 0.00 265 5 520.4 520.4 520.4
    40.0 21808 -64.5 -91.8 1 0.00 270 10 523.3 523.4 523.3
    39.0 21964 -64.8 -91.8 1 0.00 280 13 526.4 526.4 526.4
    37.0 22286 -65.4 -91.7 2 0.00 245 12 532.8 532.9 532.8
    36.1 22437 -65.7 -91.7 2 0.00 241 14 535.9 535.9 535.9
    36.0 22454 -65.3 -91.6 2 0.00 240 14 537.3 537.3 537.3
    35.0 22629 -61.2 -91.0 1 0.00 260 18 552.2 552.2 552.2
    34.1 22790 -57.5 -90.5 1 0.00 229 13 566.2 566.2 566.2
    34.0 22809 -57.5 -90.5 1 0.00 225 12 566.7 566.7 566.7
    33.0 22998 -57.5 -89.9 1 0.00 255 10 571.7 571.7 571.7
    30.0 23600 -57.3 -88.3 1 0.01 250 10 587.8 587.9 587.8
    26.0 24506 -56.8 -88.4 1 0.01 265 4 613.9 613.9 613.9
    25.0 24755 -56.6 -88.5 1 0.01 185 13 621.2 621.2 621.2
    24.1 24987 -56.5 -88.5 1 0.01 209 13 628.1 628.2 628.1
    23.0 25287 -53.8 -87.4 1 0.01 240 12 644.4 644.5 644.4
    22.0 25573 -51.3 -86.3 1 0.01 220 12 660.2 660.3 660.2
    21.0 25874 -52.0 -86.5 1 0.01 200 13 666.9 667.0 666.9
    20.0 26190 -52.7 -86.7 1 0.01 240 16 674.1 674.2 674.1
    19.3 26420 -52.9 -86.9 1 0.01 250 16 680.4 680.5 680.4
    19.0 255 16
    Station information and sounding indices

    Station identifier: OEPA
    Station number: 40373
    Observation time: 170202/1200
    Station latitude: 28.31
    Station longitude: 46.13
    Station elevation: 358.0
    Showalter index: 15.52
    Lifted index: 14.43
    LIFT computed using virtual temperature: 14.40
    SWEAT index: 118.98
    K index: -32.10
    Cross totals index: 7.80
    Vertical totals index: 19.80
    Totals totals index: 27.60
    Convective Available Potential Energy: 0.00
    CAPE using virtual temperature: 0.00
    Convective Inhibition: 0.00
    CINS using virtual temperature: 0.00
    Bulk Richardson Number: 0.00
    Bulk Richardson Number using CAPV: 0.00
    Temp [K] of the Lifted Condensation Level: 259.24
    Pres [hPa] of the Lifted Condensation Level: 743.14
    Mean mixed layer potential temperature: 282.19
    Mean mixed layer mixing ratio: 2.10
    1000 hPa to 500 hPa thickness: 5360.00
    Precipitable water [mm] for entire sounding: 3.34
    40373 OEPA Al-Qaisumah Observations at 00Z 03 Feb 2017

    hPa m C C % g/kg deg knot K K K
    1000.0 238
    985.0 358 1.0 -2.1 80 3.34 330 19 275.3 284.7 275.9
    984.0 366 2.8 -10.2 38 1.80 320 7 277.2 282.5 277.5
    956.0 600 1.8 -10.8 39 1.77 340 24 278.5 283.7 278.8
    925.0 866 0.6 -11.4 40 1.74 325 33 279.9 285.1 280.2
    918.0 927 0.3 -12.2 38 1.63 325 34 280.2 285.1 280.5
    877.0 1291 -1.6 -17.4 29 1.12 315 34 281.9 285.4 282.1
    850.0 1540 -2.9 -20.9 24 0.86 330 33 283.1 285.8 283.2
    820.0 1822 -4.1 -23.4 21 0.71 335 35 284.7 287.0 284.8
    763.0 2388 -6.6 -28.5 16 0.48 310 42 288.0 289.6 288.0
    761.0 2409 -6.7 -28.7 16 0.47 310 42 288.1 289.6 288.2
    749.0 2533 -6.1 -37.1 7 0.21 310 41 290.0 290.8 290.1
    700.0 3057 -10.7 -36.7 10 0.24 310 39 290.6 291.4 290.6
    699.0 3068 -10.8 -36.8 10 0.23 310 39 290.6 291.4 290.7
    698.0 3079 -10.9 -36.9 10 0.23 310 39 290.6 291.4 290.7
    642.0 3718 -13.5 -45.5 5 0.10 313 52 294.7 295.1 294.7
    616.0 4033 -12.5 -53.5 2 0.04 314 58 299.4 299.5 299.4
    605.0 4169 -13.2 -53.8 2 0.04 315 61 300.1 300.2 300.1
    576.0 4540 -15.1 -54.7 2 0.04 325 61 302.1 302.2 302.1
    534.0 5112 -18.1 -56.1 2 0.04 322 63 305.1 305.3 305.1
    500.0 5600 -21.9 -58.9 2 0.03 320 65 306.3 306.4 306.3
    465.0 6122 -26.2 -62.4 2 0.02 315 74 307.4 307.5 307.4
    421.0 6836 -32.0 -67.3 2 0.01 315 69 308.8 308.8 308.8
    409.0 7044 -33.7 -68.7 2 0.01 315 72 309.1 309.2 309.1
    400.0 7200 -33.9 -70.9 1 0.01 315 75 310.9 310.9 310.9
    354.0 8042 -39.3 -73.5 1 0.01 315 84 314.7 314.7 314.7
    335.0 8422 -41.7 -74.7 2 0.00 307 88 316.3 316.4 316.3
    316.0 8818 -40.9 -75.9 1 0.00 298 92 322.8 322.8 322.8
    300.0 9170 -42.7 -77.7 1 0.00 290 96 325.1 325.1 325.1
    296.0 9260 -43.1 -77.4 1 0.00 290 100 325.7 325.7 325.7
    283.0 9561 -44.5 -76.5 2 0.00 295 108 327.9 328.0 327.9
    250.0 10390 -43.1 -75.1 2 0.01 290 115 341.9 341.9 341.9
    241.0 10636 -44.5 -75.5 2 0.01 290 119 343.4 343.4 343.4
    235.0 10806 -41.7 -78.7 1 0.00 290 122 350.1 350.1 350.1
    200.0 11890 -45.9 -81.9 1 0.00 290 107 359.9 359.9 359.9
    168.0 13029 -51.2 -84.2 1 0.00 285 97 369.4 369.4 369.4
    158.0 13430 -53.1 -85.0 1 0.00 285 107 372.8 372.8 372.8
    150.0 13770 -54.7 -85.7 1 0.00 280 93 375.6 375.6 375.6
    141.0 14165 -54.1 -86.1 1 0.00 285 76 383.4 383.4 383.4
    121.0 15112 -60.2 -88.0 2 0.00 275 89 389.3 389.3 389.3
    102.0 16171 -67.1 -90.1 3 0.00 271 68 395.6 395.6 395.6
    100.0 16290 -66.7 -90.7 2 0.00 270 66 398.6 398.6 398.6
    Station information and sounding indices

    Station identifier: OEPA
    Station number: 40373
    Observation time: 170203/0000
    Station latitude: 28.31
    Station longitude: 46.13
    Station elevation: 358.0
    Showalter index: 17.52
    Lifted index: 19.11
    LIFT computed using virtual temperature: 19.08
    SWEAT index: 131.00
    K index: -27.90
    Cross totals index: 1.00
    Vertical totals index: 19.00
    Totals totals index: 20.00
    Convective Available Potential Energy: 0.00
    CAPE using virtual temperature: 0.00
    Convective Inhibition: 0.00
    CINS using virtual temperature: 0.00
    Bulk Richardson Number: 0.00
    Bulk Richardson Number using CAPV: 0.00
    Temp [K] of the Lifted Condensation Level: 260.01
    Pres [hPa] of the Lifted Condensation Level: 786.42
    Mean mixed layer potential temperature: 278.50
    Mean mixed layer mixing ratio: 1.78
    1000 hPa to 500 hPa thickness: 5362.00
    Precipitable water [mm] for entire sounding: 3.00
    40373 OEPA Al-Qaisumah Observations at 12Z 03 Feb 2017

    hPa m C C % g/kg deg knot K K K
    1000.0 249
    987.0 358 10.0 -6.0 32 2.49 320 19 284.2 291.6 284.6
    985.0 375 9.7 -6.4 31 2.41 335 8 284.1 291.2 284.5
    951.0 663 5.2 -13.8 24 1.39 324 10 282.4 286.6 282.6
    925.0 888 3.2 -14.8 25 1.32 315 11 282.6 286.6 282.8
    922.0 914 3.0 -15.1 25 1.29 320 11 282.6 286.6 282.8
    889.0 1207 0.4 -18.2 23 1.03 310 12 282.9 286.1 283.1
    872.0 1362 -0.9 -19.9 22 0.91 316 12 283.1 285.9 283.3
    850.0 1566 -0.1 -27.1 11 0.49 325 13 286.0 287.6 286.1
    849.0 1575 -0.1 -27.1 11 0.49 326 13 286.1 287.7 286.2
    835.0 1708 -0.2 -28.1 10 0.46 340 13 287.4 288.9 287.4
    791.0 2139 -0.6 -31.3 8 0.36 340 16 291.4 292.6 291.5
    775.0 2302 -0.8 -32.5 7 0.32 10 13 292.9 294.1 293.0
    742.0 2649 -1.1 -35.1 6 0.26 348 20 296.3 297.2 296.3
    730.0 2778 -1.9 -32.8 7 0.33 340 22 296.8 298.0 296.9
    700.0 3110 -3.9 -26.9 15 0.61 345 23 298.1 300.2 298.2
    636.0 3864 -6.5 -38.5 6 0.22 329 29 303.5 304.3 303.5
    530.0 5255 -16.2 -52.8 3 0.05 300 39 308.1 308.3 308.1
    500.0 5700 -19.3 -57.3 2 0.03 300 42 309.4 309.6 309.4
    428.0 6830 -28.3 -59.3 3 0.03 293 50 312.0 312.2 312.0
    400.0 7310 -31.3 -68.3 1 0.01 290 54 314.2 314.3 314.2
    373.0 7799 -34.4 -64.3 3 0.02 295 52 316.4 316.5 316.4
    345.0 8346 -37.9 -59.9 8 0.03 290 61 318.9 319.0 318.9
    319.0 8883 -40.8 -58.3 13 0.05 285 70 322.1 322.3 322.1
    316.0 8948 -41.1 -58.1 14 0.05 286 73 322.5 322.7 322.5
    300.0 9300 -42.9 -65.9 6 0.02 290 90 324.8 324.9 324.8
    291.0 9506 -43.3 -69.3 4 0.01 293 102 327.1 327.1 327.1
    287.0 9598 -43.7 -69.4 4 0.01 295 107 327.8 327.9 327.8
    250.0 10520 -47.5 -70.5 5 0.01 295 118 335.3 335.4 335.3
    244.0 10678 -48.4 -71.1 5 0.01 290 121 336.4 336.4 336.4
    214.0 11533 -52.9 -74.2 6 0.01 295 152 342.1 342.2 342.1
    208.0 11718 -53.9 -74.9 6 0.01 295 143 343.4 343.4 343.4
    200.0 11970 -54.5 -77.5 4 0.00 295 131 346.3 346.3 346.3
    199.0 12002 -54.6 -77.7 4 0.00 295 131 346.6 346.6 346.6
    163.0 13268 -59.1 -85.1 2 0.00 280 122 359.4 359.4 359.4
    161.0 13346 -59.0 -85.4 2 0.00 280 121 360.8 360.8 360.8
    157.0 13504 -58.9 -85.9 2 0.00 280 126 363.6 363.6 363.6
    150.0 13790 -59.7 -86.7 2 0.00 280 135 367.0 367.0 367.0
    149.0 13832 -59.8 -86.8 2 0.00 280 136 367.6 367.6 367.6
    133.0 14539 -60.7 -88.3 2 0.00 280 97 378.1 378.1 378.1
    128.0 14778 -61.0 -88.8 1 0.00 285 102 381.7 381.8 381.7
    123.0 15026 -61.3 -89.3 1 0.00 289 93 385.5 385.5 385.5
    117.0 15331 -62.9 -89.5 2 0.00 295 81 388.0 388.1 388.0
    108.0 15820 -65.6 -89.8 2 0.00 285 65 392.1 392.1 392.1
    100.0 16290 -68.1 -90.1 3 0.00 275 73 395.9 395.9 395.9
    88.0 17053 -71.1 -91.2 4 0.00 280 48 404.7 404.7 404.7
    87.1 17114 -71.3 -91.3 4 0.00 280 48 405.4 405.4 405.4
    80.0 17618 -71.0 -91.0 4 0.00 260 54 416.0 416.0 416.0
    77.0 17845 -70.8 -90.8 4 0.00 265 58 420.9 420.9 420.9
    72.0 18243 -70.6 -90.6 4 0.00 275 38 429.5 429.6 429.5
    70.0 18410 -70.5 -90.5 4 0.00 270 45 433.2 433.2 433.2
    69.0 18495 -70.8 -90.8 4 0.00 275 49 434.3 434.3 434.3
    68.2 18564 -71.1 -91.1 4 0.00 276 48 435.2 435.2 435.2
    58.0 19536 -66.7 -91.5 2 0.00 285 29 465.8 465.8 465.8
    56.0 19747 -65.7 -91.6 2 0.00 250 26 472.7 472.7 472.7
    54.0 19965 -64.7 -91.7 1 0.00 252 22 479.9 479.9 479.9
    51.0 20310 -67.2 -91.2 2 0.00 255 17 481.9 481.9 481.9
    50.0 20430 -68.1 -91.1 2 0.00 250 18 482.6 482.6 482.6
    49.1 20539 -68.3 -92.3 2 0.00 256 19 484.6 484.6 484.6
    47.0 20805 -65.6 -92.2 1 0.00 270 22 497.2 497.3 497.2
    45.9 20949 -64.1 -92.1 1 0.00 263 25 504.2 504.2 504.2
    44.0 21207 -64.9 -92.1 1 0.00 250 30 508.3 508.3 508.3
    43.6 21263 -65.1 -92.1 1 0.00 252 33 509.2 509.2 509.2
    43.0 21349 -64.6 -92.0 1 0.00 255 37 512.5 512.5 512.5
    40.0 21798 -61.8 -91.2 1 0.00 290 28 530.3 530.3 530.3
    39.0 21955 -60.8 -90.9 1 0.00 300 17 536.6 536.6 536.6
    38.0 22117 -59.8 -90.6 1 0.00 300 10 543.2 543.2 543.2
    37.0 22282 -58.7 -90.3 1 0.00 165 10 550.0 550.0 550.0
    36.4 22384 -58.1 -90.1 1 0.00 171 11 554.2 554.2 554.2
    36.0 22453 -58.5 -90.1 1 0.00 175 11 555.0 555.0 555.0
    34.2 22775 -60.1 -90.1 1 0.00 242 15 558.9 558.9 558.9
    34.0 22812 -60.0 -90.1 1 0.00 250 15 560.2 560.2 560.2
    32.0 23194 -58.7 -89.7 1 0.00 265 11 573.4 573.5 573.4
    31.0 23394 -58.0 -89.5 1 0.00 305 11 580.5 580.5 580.5
    30.0 23600 -57.3 -89.3 1 0.00 270 8 587.8 587.9 587.8
    29.0 23814 -57.2 -89.2 1 0.00 245 11 593.9 594.0 593.9
    28.0 24036 -57.0 -89.0 1 0.01 265 14 600.3 600.3 600.3
    27.0 24266 -56.9 -88.9 1 0.01 245 19 606.9 607.0 606.9
    26.0 24505 -56.8 -88.8 1 0.01 260 11 613.9 613.9 613.9
    25.0 24753 -56.6 -88.6 1 0.01 240 10 621.2 621.3 621.2
    24.2 24958 -56.5 -88.5 1 0.01 250 10 627.4 627.4 627.4
    23.0 25283 -54.3 -87.9 1 0.01 265 10 643.1 643.2 643.1
    22.1 25539 -52.5 -87.5 1 0.01 225 3 655.7 655.8 655.8
    22.0 25568 -52.6 -87.5 1 0.01 220 2 656.4 656.4 656.4
    21.0 25867 -53.4 -87.4 1 0.01 145 10 662.6 662.7 662.6
    20.0 26180 -54.3 -87.3 1 0.01 185 9 669.2 669.3 669.2
    19.0 26509 -54.2 -87.2 1 0.01 190 14 679.3 679.4 679.3
    18.0 26855 -54.1 -87.2 1 0.01 245 10 690.1 690.3 690.1
    17.4 27073 -54.1 -87.1 1 0.01 254 10 697.0 697.1 697.0
    17.0 27223 -53.3 -86.9 1 0.01 260 10 704.3 704.4 704.3
    16.0 27617 -51.2 -86.3 1 0.01 195 10 723.4 723.6 723.5
    15.0 28036 -48.9 -85.8 1 0.02 290 1 744.4 744.6 744.4
    14.9 28079 -48.7 -85.7 1 0.02 746.6 746.8 746.6
    13.8 28580 -51.5 -85.5 1 0.02 753.6 753.8 753.6
    12.0 29485 -52.3 -86.3 1 0.02 781.5 781.7 781.5
    Station information and sounding indices

    Station identifier: OEPA
    Station number: 40373
    Observation time: 170203/1200
    Station latitude: 28.31
    Station longitude: 46.13
    Station elevation: 358.0
    Showalter index: 18.69
    Lifted index: 18.46
    LIFT computed using virtual temperature: 18.42
    SWEAT index: 67.99
    K index: -30.90
    Cross totals index: -7.80
    Vertical totals index: 19.20
    Totals totals index: 11.40
    Convective Available Potential Energy: 0.00
    CAPE using virtual temperature: 0.00
    Convective Inhibition: 0.00
    CINS using virtual temperature: 0.00
    Bulk Richardson Number: 0.00
    Bulk Richardson Number using CAPV: 0.00
    Temp [K] of the Lifted Condensation Level: 258.14
    Pres [hPa] of the Lifted Condensation Level: 725.18
    Mean mixed layer potential temperature: 282.97
    Mean mixed layer mixing ratio: 1.71
    1000 hPa to 500 hPa thickness: 5451.00
    Precipitable water [mm] for entire sounding: 2.92
    "Cacche di piccione" ©

    il miglior combustibile è l'acqua...bisogna solo saperla accendere

    The Next One Hundred Years - Jonathan Weiner


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