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  1. #11
    Brezza tesa L'avatar di meteoPaolo
    Data Registrazione
    Cā Micci (RN) - Monte S.Paolo 590 m
    6 Post(s)

    Predefinito Re: Stazione meteo Waldbeck WTH3 info software

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da zoomx Visualizza Messaggio
    Prova a disabilitare l'auto discovery ed immettere manualmente l'IP della console.
    Fatto,ma sembra non cambi quasi nulla.
    Nella finestrella dos esce "stazione connessa" ma c'č un errore e di fatto non cambia niente.
    Stazione Meteorologica --Cā Micci (RN) - Monte San Paolo 590 m slm [Montefeltro]
    Stazione Radioamatoriale

  2. #12
    Brezza tesa L'avatar di meteoPaolo
    Data Registrazione
    Cā Micci (RN) - Monte S.Paolo 590 m
    6 Post(s)

    Predefinito Re: Stazione meteo Waldbeck WTH3 info software

    Allora sto verificando una ad una le varie versioni compatibili con il NetFramework 4.5.2
    Sono arrivato alla 3.12.1 build 3143
    seguite le istruzioni nella finestrella dos,settata la stazione mi indica finalmente CONNESSA.
    In Station type ho settato Ecowitt 100 e cloni!
    Perō di fatto se clicco in alto su dashboard oppure Gauges sono sempre tutti a zero!
    ma come č possibile?
    Se metto l'autorecovery mi vede perfettamente l'ip della stazione ed il numero di MAC.
    Quindi la vede!

    Ultima modifica di meteoPaolo; 15/01/2024 alle 19:37
    Stazione Meteorologica --Cā Micci (RN) - Monte San Paolo 590 m slm [Montefeltro]
    Stazione Radioamatoriale

  3. #13
    Data Registrazione
    151 Post(s)

    Predefinito Re: Stazione meteo Waldbeck WTH3 info software

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da meteoPaolo Visualizza Messaggio
    Quindi la vede!
    Facciamo cosė.
    Se sai usare la shell di Windows dovresti lanciare CumulusMX cosė CumulusMX.exe -debug
    Altrimenti da Esplora risorse vai nella cartella di CumulusMX
    Crea un nuovo file di testo (tasto destro), lo chiami debug.bat. Ti chiederā se vuoi cambiare l'estensione, rispondi di si.
    Clicca col tasto destro sul file appensa creato e dal menų scegli modifica.
    Ti si apre notepad ed il file č vuoto.
    Copia e incolla la seguente riga

    CumulusMX.exe -debug

    quindi salva e chiudi notepad.
    A questo punto invece di lanciare direttamente CumulusMX lanci questo bat cliccandoci sopra.
    Si aprirā una finestra nera che a sua volta lancerā CumulusMX e quindi avrai due finestre nere.
    Aspetti che parta, che riconosca la stazione, e aspetta una decina di secondi se arrivano dati.
    Chiudi CumulusMX.
    Si dovrebbe chiudere anche il bat.
    A questo punto nella cartella MXdiags di CumulusMX ci dovrebbe essere un file di log che dovrebbe chiamarsi all'incirca cosė
    Vadi che c'č scritto dentro, sarā tutto in inglese.
    Magari le informazioni importanti le metti qui.
    Se te la senti qui c'č il forum di supoporto
    la questione andrebbe posta nella sezione Ecowitt.
    mcrossley, colui che mantiene CumulusMX di solito risponde e chiede sempre il log.

  4. #14
    Brezza tesa L'avatar di meteoPaolo
    Data Registrazione
    Cā Micci (RN) - Monte S.Paolo 590 m
    6 Post(s)

    Predefinito Re: Stazione meteo Waldbeck WTH3 info software

    Allora ho seguito le tue istruzioni passo passo.
    Si č aperta perō solo una sola finestra che ha fatto partire CumulusMX.
    Non ha aperto il browser,l'ho aperto io ed ho digitato http://localhost:8998/
    Si č aperta la finestra,ho aspettato 20 secondi,ho chiuso tutto,sono andato in MXdiags ed ho aperto l'ultimo file di testo che č quello riportato in basso

    2024-01-15 21:38:53.970 ========================== Cumulus MX starting ==========================
    2024-01-15 21:38:53.970 Command line: "C:\Users\Paolo\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX20.460\CumulusMX\Cu mulusMX.exe"
    2024-01-15 21:38:53.970 Cumulus MX v.3.13.2 build 3147
    2024-01-15 21:38:53.985 Platform: Win32NT
    2024-01-15 21:38:53.985 OS version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.809 Current culture: Italian (Italy)
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.809 Directory separator=[\] Decimal separator=[,] List separator=[;]
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.809 Date separator=[/] Time separator=[:]
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.809 Standard time zone name: ora solare Europa occidentale
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.809 Daylight saving time name: ora legale Europa occidentale
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.809 Daylight saving time? False
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.809 15/01/2024 21:38:56
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.809 Checking required folders
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.809 Creating required folder: /Reports
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.871 Reading Cumulus.ini file
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.887 AvgSpdMins=10 AvgSpdTime=00:10:00
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.887 Cumulus start date: lunedė 15 gennaio 2024
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.903 Reading Cumulus.ini file completed
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.903 Stop second instance: No other running instances of Cumulus found
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.903 No start-up delay - disabled
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.903 No start-up PING
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.918 Data path = data\
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.965 BackupData: Creating backup folder backup\20240115213856\
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.965 Created backup folder backup\20240115213856\
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.965 Debug logging :disabled
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.965 Data logging :disabled
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.965 FTP logging :disabled
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.965 Email logging :disabled
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.965 Spike logging :enabled
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.965 Logging interval = 10 mins
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.965 Real time interval = 30 secs
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.965 NoSensorCheck = 0
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.996 Calculating sunrise and sunset times
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.996 Sunrise: 07:41:59
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.996 Sunset : 16:57:32
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.996 Tomorrow sunrise: 07:41:29
    2024-01-15 21:38:56.996 Tomorrow sunset : 16:58:47
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.027 Station type: GW1000
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.027 WindUnit=km/h RainUnit=mm TempUnit=°C PressureUnit=hPa
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.027 YTDRain=0,000 Year=0
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.027 RainDayThreshold=-1,000
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.027 Roll over hour=0
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.027 Offsets and Multipliers:
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.027 PO=0,000 TO=0,000 HO=0 WDO=0 ITO=0,000 SO=0,000 UVO=0,000
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.027 PM=1,000 WSM=1,000 WGM=1,000 TM=1,000 TM2=0,000 HM=1,000 HM2=0,000 RM=1,000 SM=1,000 UVM=1,000
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.027 Spike removal:
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.027 TD=999,000 GD=999,000 WD=999,000 HD=999,000 PD=999,000 MR=999,000 MH=999,000
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.027 Limits:
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.027 TH=60,0 TL=-60,0 DH=40,0 PH=1090,0 PL=870,0 GH=90,000
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.027 Primary AQ Sensor = Undefined
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.059 Cumulus Starting
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.074 HTML root path = C:\Users\Paolo\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX20.460\CumulusMX\int erface
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.152 Cumulus running at: http://localhost:8998/
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.152 Opening station
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.183 Last update time from today.ini: 15/01/2024 21:38:57
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.183 Read today file: Date = 00/00/00, LastUpdateTime = 15/01/2024 21:38:57, Month = 1
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.183 Sensor clock 00:00:00
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.183 Station clock 00:00:00
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.183 ET not initialised
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.183 ReadTodayfile: Rain day start = -1
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.199 C:\Users\Paolo\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX20.460\CumulusMX\dat a\alltime.ini
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.199 Alltime.ini file read
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.215 MonthlyAlltime.ini file read
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.230 LoadDayFile: Attempting to load the day file
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.230 LoadDayFile: No Dayfile found - No entries added to recent daily data list
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.246 Finding raintoday from logfile data\gen24log.txt
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.246 Expecting listsep=; decimal=,
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.246 Midnight rain not found, setting midnight count to raindaystart = -1
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.246 Checking rain counter = -1
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.246 Rain counter negative, setting to zero
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.246 Getting rain totals, rain season start = 1
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.246 Today = 15/01/24
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.246 Rainthismonth from dayfile: 0
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.246 Rainthisyear from dayfile: 0
    2024-01-15 21:38:57.261 Running GW-1000 auto-discovery...
    2024-01-15 21:38:58.338 You are not running the latest version of Cumulus MX, build 3278 is available.
    2024-01-15 21:39:03.158 Using IP address = Port = 45000
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.266 Connected OK
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.266 Reading firmware version
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.297 GW1000 firmware version: U
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.297 Reading GW1000 system info
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.328 Unexpected response to System Info!
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.328 Reading sensor ids
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.359 Bad checksum
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.359 DoCommand(CMD_READ_SENSOR_ID_NEW): Invalid response
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.359 Bad checksum
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.359 Loading last N hour data from data logs: 15/01/2024 21:38:57
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.359 LoadRecent: Attempting to load 7 days of entries to recent data list
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.359 LoadRecent: Error querying database for latest record - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.359 LoadRecent: Loaded 0 new entries to recent database
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.375 LoadLast3Hour: Attempting to load 3 hour data list
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.391 LoadLast3Hour: Loaded 0 entries to last 3 hour data list
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.406 Starting GW1000
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.406 Creating extra sensors
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.469 843 web tags initialised
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.484 Start Extra Sensors
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.484 Start Timers
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.484 Starting 1-minute timer
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.484 Data logging interval = 2 (10 mins)
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.484 Realtime not enabled
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.484 Normal running
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.484 Start normal reading loop
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.515 Bad checksum
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.515 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.515 Bad checksum
    2024-01-15 21:39:04.515 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-15 21:39:14.537 Bad checksum
    2024-01-15 21:39:14.537 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-15 21:39:14.537 Bad checksum
    2024-01-15 21:39:14.537 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-15 21:39:24.558 Bad checksum
    2024-01-15 21:39:24.558 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-15 21:39:24.558 Bad checksum
    2024-01-15 21:39:24.558 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-15 21:39:34.485 ERROR: No data received from the GW1000 for 30 seconds
    2024-01-15 21:39:34.485 Running GW-1000 auto-discovery...
    2024-01-15 21:39:34.579 Bad checksum
    2024-01-15 21:39:34.579 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-15 21:39:34.579 Bad checksum
    2024-01-15 21:39:34.579 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-15 21:39:44.602 Bad checksum
    2024-01-15 21:39:44.602 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-15 21:39:44.602 Bad checksum
    2024-01-15 21:39:44.602 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-15 21:39:54.623 Bad checksum
    2024-01-15 21:39:54.624 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-15 21:39:54.624 Bad checksum
    2024-01-15 21:39:54.624 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-15 21:40:00.092 Minimum data set of pressure, temperature, and wind is not available and NoSensorCheck is not enabled. Skip processing
    2024-01-15 21:40:04.499 ERROR: No data received from the GW1000 for 30 seconds
    2024-01-15 21:40:04.499 Running GW-1000 auto-discovery...
    2024-01-15 21:40:04.644 Bad checksum
    2024-01-15 21:40:04.644 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-15 21:40:04.644 Bad checksum
    2024-01-15 21:40:04.644 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-15 21:40:14.666 Bad checksum
    2024-01-15 21:40:14.666 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-15 21:40:14.666 Bad checksum
    2024-01-15 21:40:14.666 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-15 21:40:24.687 Bad checksum
    2024-01-15 21:40:24.687 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-15 21:40:24.687 Bad checksum
    2024-01-15 21:40:24.687 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-15 21:40:34.518 ERROR: No data received from the GW1000 for 30 seconds
    2024-01-15 21:40:34.518 Running GW-1000 auto-discovery...
    2024-01-15 21:40:34.708 Bad checksum
    2024-01-15 21:40:34.708 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-15 21:40:34.708 Bad checksum
    2024-01-15 21:40:34.708 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-15 21:40:44.728 Bad checksum
    2024-01-15 21:40:44.728 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-15 21:40:44.728 Bad checksum
    2024-01-15 21:40:44.728 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-15 21:40:54.751 Bad checksum
    2024-01-15 21:40:54.751 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-15 21:40:54.751 Bad checksum
    2024-01-15 21:40:54.751 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    Exiting system due to external: Ctrl-C
    2024-01-15 21:40:55.513 Cumulus closing
    2024-01-15 21:40:55.513 Stopping timers
    2024-01-15 21:40:55.513 Stopping station...
    2024-01-15 21:40:55.513 Closing connection
    2024-01-15 21:40:55.516 Station stopped
    2024-01-15 21:40:55.516 No data read this session, today.ini not written
    2024-01-15 21:40:55.516 Stopping extra sensors...
    2024-01-15 21:40:55.516 Extra sensors stopped
    2024-01-15 21:40:55.516 Station shutdown complete
    Cumulus has shutdown
    Stazione Meteorologica --Cā Micci (RN) - Monte San Paolo 590 m slm [Montefeltro]
    Stazione Radioamatoriale

  5. #15
    Brezza tesa L'avatar di meteoPaolo
    Data Registrazione
    Cā Micci (RN) - Monte S.Paolo 590 m
    6 Post(s)

    Predefinito Re: Stazione meteo Waldbeck WTH3 info software

    Non capisco una cosa:
    sullo smartphone con l'app WSView Plus quando ho configurato la stazione per trasmettere i dati su Ecowitt,la consolle mia figura:

    Device: EasyWeatherPro-CF65DE
    E' il clone di cosa?
    Stazione Meteorologica --Cā Micci (RN) - Monte San Paolo 590 m slm [Montefeltro]
    Stazione Radioamatoriale

  6. #16
    Brezza tesa L'avatar di meteoPaolo
    Data Registrazione
    Cā Micci (RN) - Monte S.Paolo 590 m
    6 Post(s)

    Predefinito Re: Stazione meteo Waldbeck WTH3 info software

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Guglielmo Visualizza Messaggio
    Seleziona Ecowitt GW1000.
    Si ho settato GW1000 ma non cambia nulla,anche se risulta collegata

    Stazione Meteorologica --Cā Micci (RN) - Monte San Paolo 590 m slm [Montefeltro]
    Stazione Radioamatoriale

  7. #17
    Brezza tesa L'avatar di meteoPaolo
    Data Registrazione
    Cā Micci (RN) - Monte S.Paolo 590 m
    6 Post(s)

    Predefinito Re: Stazione meteo Waldbeck WTH3 info software

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da zoomx Visualizza Messaggio
    Facciamo cosė.
    Se sai usare la shell di Windows dovresti lanciare CumulusMX cosė CumulusMX.exe -debug
    Altrimenti da Esplora risorse vai nella cartella di CumulusMX
    Crea un nuovo file di testo (tasto destro), lo chiami debug.bat. Ti chiederā se vuoi cambiare l'estensione, rispondi di si.
    Clicca col tasto destro sul file appensa creato e dal menų scegli modifica.
    Ti si apre notepad ed il file č vuoto.
    Copia e incolla la seguente riga

    CumulusMX.exe -debug

    quindi salva e chiudi notepad.
    A questo punto invece di lanciare direttamente CumulusMX lanci questo bat cliccandoci sopra.
    Si aprirā una finestra nera che a sua volta lancerā CumulusMX e quindi avrai due finestre nere.
    Aspetti che parta, che riconosca la stazione, e aspetta una decina di secondi se arrivano dati.
    Chiudi CumulusMX.
    Si dovrebbe chiudere anche il bat.
    Come giā detto nel msg precedente,ho seguito alla lettera la procedura,mi si apre perō una unica finestrella dove viene indicato che cumulus č partito ma non mi si lancia il browser,devo farlo io.
    Una volta poi che ho scritto http://localhost:8998 mi compare la pagina,aspetto un paio di minuti poi chiudo ma il file.bat continua a restare aperto.
    Se voglio chiuderlo mi chiede di confermare la cosa

    e rimane il fatto che per chiudere questa finestrella devo farlo io cliccand sulla X in alto a dx o facendo CTRL-C
    Stazione Meteorologica --Cā Micci (RN) - Monte San Paolo 590 m slm [Montefeltro]
    Stazione Radioamatoriale

  8. #18
    Data Registrazione
    151 Post(s)

    Predefinito Re: Stazione meteo Waldbeck WTH3 info software

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da meteoPaolo Visualizza Messaggio
    Una volta poi che ho scritto http://localhost:8998 mi compare la pagina,aspetto un paio di minuti poi chiudo ma il file.bat continua a restare aperto.
    Se voglio chiuderlo mi chiede di confermare la cosa
    e rimane il fatto che per chiudere questa finestrella devo farlo io cliccand sulla X in alto a dx o facendo CTRL-C
    Scusami, non l'avevo provato e mi basavo sui ricordi che, evidentemente, erano sbagliati.
    Si dovrebbe chiudere rispondendo s.
    Comunque va bene anche in questo modo.
    Cosa c'č nel log?

  9. #19
    Brezza tesa L'avatar di meteoPaolo
    Data Registrazione
    Cā Micci (RN) - Monte S.Paolo 590 m
    6 Post(s)

    Predefinito Re: Stazione meteo Waldbeck WTH3 info software

    Ciao zoomx, c'č questo

    2024-01-16 07:30:34.110 ========================== Cumulus MX starting ==========================
    2024-01-16 07:30:34.110 Command line: CumulusMX.exe -debug
    2024-01-16 07:30:34.110 Cumulus MX v.3.13.6 build 3152
    2024-01-16 07:30:34.120 Platform: Win32NT
    2024-01-16 07:30:34.120 OS version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
    2024-01-16 07:30:34.130 Current culture: Italian (Italy) [it-IT]
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.320 Checking required folders
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.380 Reading Cumulus.ini file
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.390 AvgSpdMins=10 AvgSpdTime=00:10:00
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.390 Cumulus start date: lunedė 15 gennaio 2024
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.420 Reading Cumulus.ini file completed
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.420 Directory separator=[\] Decimal separator=[,] List separator=[;]
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.420 Date separator=[/] Time separator=[:]
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.420 Standard time zone name: ora solare Europa occidentale
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.420 Daylight saving time name: ora legale Europa occidentale
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.420 Daylight saving time? False
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.420 16/01/2024 07:30:36
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.420 Stop second instance: No other running instances of Cumulus found
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.420 No start-up delay - disabled
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.420 No start-up PING
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.420 Data path = data\
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.460 BackupData: Creating backup folder backup\20240116073036\
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.470 Created backup folder backup\20240116073036\
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.470 Debug logging :enabled
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.470 Data logging :enabled
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.470 FTP logging :disabled
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.470 Email logging :disabled
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.470 Spike logging :enabled
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.470 Logging interval = 10 mins
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.470 Real time interval = 1 secs
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.470 NoSensorCheck = 0
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.500 Calculating sunrise and sunset times
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.500 Sunrise: 07:41:29
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.500 Sunset : 16:58:47
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.500 Tomorrow sunrise: 07:40:56
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.500 Tomorrow sunset : 17:00:02
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.500 Tomorrow length diff: 108
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.520 Station type: GW1000
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.520 WindUnit=km/h RainUnit=mm TempUnit=°C PressureUnit=hPa
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.520 YTDRain=0,000 Year=0
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.520 RainDayThreshold=-1,000
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.520 Roll over hour=0
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.530 Offsets and Multipliers:
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.530 PO=0,000 TO=0,000 HO=0 WDO=0 ITO=0,000 SO=0,000 UVO=0,000
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.530 PM=1,000 WSM=1,000 WGM=1,000 TM=1,000 TM2=0,000 HM=1,000 HM2=0,000 RM=1,000 SM=1,000 UVM=1,000
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.530 Spike removal:
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.530 TD=999,000 GD=999,000 WD=999,000 HD=999,000 PD=999,000 MR=999,000 MH=999,000
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.530 Limits:
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.530 TH=60,0 TL=-60,0 DH=40,0 PH=1090,0 PL=870,0 GH=90,000
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.530 Primary AQ Sensor = Undefined
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.560 Cumulus Starting
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.580 HTML root path = C:\CumulusMXDist3152\CumulusMX\interface
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.650 Cumulus running at: http://localhost:8998/
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.650 Lock: Cumulus waiting for the lock
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.650 Lock: Cumulus has lock
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.650 Opening station
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.680 Last update time from today.ini: 16/01/2024 07:30:36
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.680 Read today file: Date = 00/00/00, LastUpdateTime = 16/01/2024 07:30:36, Month = 1
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.680 Sensor clock 00:00:00
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.680 Station clock 00:00:00
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.680 ET not initialised
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.680 ReadTodayfile: Rain day start = -1
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.690 C:\CumulusMXDist3152\CumulusMX\data\alltime.ini
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.690 Alltime.ini file read
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.710 MonthlyAlltime.ini file read
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.720 LoadDayFile: Attempting to load the day file
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.720 LoadDayFile: No Dayfile found - No entries added to recent daily data list
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.730 Finding raintoday from logfile data\gen24log.txt
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.730 Expecting listsep=; decimal=,
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.730 Midnight rain not found, setting midnight count to raindaystart = -1
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.730 Checking rain counter = -1
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.730 Rain counter negative, setting to zero
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.730 Getting rain totals, rain season start = 1
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.730 Today = 16/01/24
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.730 Rainthismonth from dayfile: 0
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.730 Rainthisyear from dayfile: 0
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.740 Using IP address = Port = 45000
    2024-01-16 07:30:36.740 GW1000 Connect attempt 1
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.770 You are not running the latest version of Cumulus MX, build 3278 is available.
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.790 GW1000 reconnected
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.790 Connected OK
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.790 Reading firmware version
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.820 DoCommand(CMD_READ_FIRMWARE_VERSION): Valid response
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.820 Received 0xFF-FF-50-04-01-55
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.820 GW1000 firmware version: U
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.820 Reading GW1000 system info
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.840 DoCommand(CMD_READ_SSSS): Valid response
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.840 Received 0xFF-FF-30-04-01-35
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.840 Unexpected response to System Info!
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.840 Reading sensor ids
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.860 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.860 DoCommand(CMD_READ_SENSOR_ID_NEW): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.860 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.860 command resp=60, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.860 Received 0xFF-FF-3C-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.860 Loading last N hour data from data logs: 16/01/2024 07:30:36
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.870 LoadRecent: Attempting to load 7 days of entries to recent data list
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.870 LoadRecent: Error querying database for latest record - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.870 LoadRecent: Loaded 0 new entries to recent database
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.890 LoadLast3Hour: Attempting to load 3 hour data list
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.890 LoadLast3Hour: Loaded 0 entries to last 3 hour data list
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.900 Starting GW1000
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.900 Creating extra sensors
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.900 Lock: Station waiting for lock
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.950 843 web tags initialised
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.960 Start Extra Sensors
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.960 Start Timers
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.960 Starting 1-minute timer
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.960 Data logging interval = 2 (10 mins)
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.960 Starting Realtime timer, interval = 1 seconds
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.960 Wundlist count is zero
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.960 Windylist count is zero
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.960 MySqlList is Empty
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.960 Normal running
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.960 Generating the daily graph data files
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.960 Lock: Cumulus releasing the lock
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.960 Lock: Station has the lock
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.960 Start normal reading loop
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.960 Lock: Station releasing lock
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.970 Reading live data
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.990 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.990 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.990 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.990 command resp=39, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.990 Received 0xFF-FF-27-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:30:37.990 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:30:38.980 Realtime[0]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:39.000 Realtime[0]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:39.980 Realtime[1]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:39.980 Realtime[1]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:40.990 Realtime[2]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:40.990 Realtime[2]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:42.010 Realtime[3]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:42.010 Realtime[3]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:43.020 Realtime[4]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:43.020 Realtime[4]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:44.040 Realtime[5]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:44.040 Realtime[5]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:45.050 Realtime[6]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:45.050 Realtime[6]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:46.060 Realtime[7]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:46.060 Realtime[7]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:47.080 Realtime[8]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:47.080 Realtime[8]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:47.990 Reading live data
    2024-01-16 07:30:48.010 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:30:48.010 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:30:48.010 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:30:48.010 command resp=39, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:30:48.010 Received 0xFF-FF-27-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:30:48.010 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:30:48.090 Realtime[9]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:48.090 Realtime[9]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:49.110 Realtime[10]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:49.110 Realtime[10]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:50.120 Realtime[11]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:50.120 Realtime[11]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:51.130 Realtime[12]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:51.130 Realtime[12]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:52.150 Realtime[13]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:52.150 Realtime[13]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:53.160 Realtime[14]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:53.160 Realtime[14]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:54.180 Realtime[15]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:54.180 Realtime[15]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:55.190 Realtime[16]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:55.190 Realtime[16]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:56.200 Realtime[17]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:56.200 Realtime[17]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:57.220 Realtime[18]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:57.220 Realtime[18]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:58.010 Reading live data
    2024-01-16 07:30:58.030 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:30:58.030 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:30:58.030 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:30:58.030 command resp=39, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:30:58.030 Received 0xFF-FF-27-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:30:58.030 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:30:58.230 Realtime[19]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:58.230 Realtime[19]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:59.250 Realtime[20]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:30:59.250 Realtime[20]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:31:00.260 Realtime[21]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:31:00.260 Realtime[21]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:31:00.300 Minimum data set of pressure, temperature, and wind is not available and NoSensorCheck is not enabled. Skip processing
    2024-01-16 07:31:01.270 Realtime[22]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:31:01.270 Realtime[22]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:31:02.290 Realtime[23]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:31:02.290 Realtime[23]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:31:03.300 Realtime[24]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:31:03.300 Realtime[24]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:31:04.320 Realtime[25]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:31:04.320 Realtime[25]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:31:05.330 Realtime[26]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:31:05.330 Realtime[26]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:31:06.340 Realtime[27]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:31:06.340 Realtime[27]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:31:07.360 Realtime[28]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:31:07.360 Realtime[28]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:31:07.970 ERROR: No data received from the GW1000 for 30 seconds
    2024-01-16 07:31:08.030 Reading live data
    2024-01-16 07:31:08.050 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:31:08.050 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:31:08.050 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:31:08.050 command resp=39, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:31:08.050 Received 0xFF-FF-27-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:31:08.050 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:31:18.058 Reading live data
    2024-01-16 07:31:18.078 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:31:18.078 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:31:18.078 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:31:18.078 command resp=39, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:31:18.078 Received 0xFF-FF-27-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:31:18.078 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:31:28.078 Reading live data
    2024-01-16 07:31:28.098 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:31:28.098 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:31:28.098 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:31:28.098 command resp=39, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:31:28.098 Received 0xFF-FF-27-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:31:28.098 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:31:37.978 ERROR: No data received from the GW1000 for 30 seconds
    2024-01-16 07:31:38.098 Reading live data
    2024-01-16 07:31:38.118 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:31:38.118 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:31:38.118 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:31:38.118 command resp=39, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:31:38.118 Received 0xFF-FF-27-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:31:38.118 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:31:48.120 Reading live data
    2024-01-16 07:31:48.140 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:31:48.140 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:31:48.140 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:31:48.140 command resp=39, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:31:48.140 Received 0xFF-FF-27-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:31:48.140 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:31:58.144 Reading live data
    2024-01-16 07:31:58.164 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:31:58.164 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:31:58.164 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:31:58.164 command resp=39, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:31:58.164 Received 0xFF-FF-27-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:31:58.164 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:32:00.214 Minimum data set of pressure, temperature, and wind is not available and NoSensorCheck is not enabled. Skip processing
    2024-01-16 07:32:01.104 Realtime[81]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:32:01.104 Realtime[81]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:32:02.114 Realtime[82]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:32:02.114 Realtime[82]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:32:03.124 Realtime[83]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:32:03.124 Realtime[83]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:32:04.144 Realtime[84]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:32:04.144 Realtime[84]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:32:05.154 Realtime[85]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:32:05.154 Realtime[85]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:32:06.174 Realtime[86]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:32:06.174 Realtime[86]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:32:07.184 Realtime[87]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:32:07.184 Realtime[87]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:32:07.994 ERROR: No data received from the GW1000 for 30 seconds
    2024-01-16 07:32:08.164 Reading live data
    2024-01-16 07:32:08.184 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:32:08.184 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:32:08.184 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:32:08.184 command resp=39, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:32:08.184 Received 0xFF-FF-27-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:32:08.184 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:32:18.186 Reading live data
    2024-01-16 07:32:18.206 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:32:18.206 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:32:18.206 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:32:18.206 command resp=39, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:32:18.206 Received 0xFF-FF-27-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:32:18.206 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:32:28.208 Reading live data
    2024-01-16 07:32:28.228 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:32:28.228 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:32:28.228 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:32:28.228 command resp=39, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:32:28.228 Received 0xFF-FF-27-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:32:28.228 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:32:32.752 WS Connect From :
    2024-01-16 07:32:38.006 ERROR: No data received from the GW1000 for 30 seconds
    2024-01-16 07:32:38.228 Reading live data
    2024-01-16 07:32:38.248 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:32:38.248 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:32:38.248 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:32:38.248 command resp=39, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:32:38.248 Received 0xFF-FF-27-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:32:38.248 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:32:48.251 Reading live data
    2024-01-16 07:32:48.271 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:32:48.271 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:32:48.271 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:32:48.271 command resp=39, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:32:48.271 Received 0xFF-FF-27-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:32:48.271 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:32:58.276 Reading live data
    2024-01-16 07:32:58.296 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:32:58.296 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:32:58.296 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:32:58.296 command resp=39, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:32:58.296 Received 0xFF-FF-27-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:32:58.296 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:33:00.446 Minimum data set of pressure, temperature, and wind is not available and NoSensorCheck is not enabled. Skip processing
    2024-01-16 07:33:00.956 Realtime[140]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:33:00.956 Realtime[140]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:33:01.976 Realtime[141]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:33:01.976 Realtime[141]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:33:02.986 Realtime[142]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:33:02.986 Realtime[142]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:33:03.996 Realtime[143]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:33:03.996 Realtime[143]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:33:05.016 Realtime[144]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:33:05.016 Realtime[144]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:33:06.026 Realtime[145]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:33:06.026 Realtime[145]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:33:07.046 Realtime[146]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:33:07.046 Realtime[146]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:33:08.026 ERROR: No data received from the GW1000 for 30 seconds
    2024-01-16 07:33:08.296 Reading live data
    2024-01-16 07:33:08.316 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:33:08.316 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:33:08.316 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:33:08.316 command resp=39, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:33:08.316 Received 0xFF-FF-27-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:33:08.316 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:33:18.316 Reading live data
    2024-01-16 07:33:18.336 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:33:18.336 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:33:18.336 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:33:18.336 command resp=39, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:33:18.336 Received 0xFF-FF-27-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:33:18.336 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:33:28.336 Reading live data
    2024-01-16 07:33:28.356 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:33:28.356 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:33:28.356 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:33:28.356 command resp=39, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:33:28.356 Received 0xFF-FF-27-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:33:28.356 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:33:38.036 ERROR: No data received from the GW1000 for 30 seconds
    2024-01-16 07:33:38.356 Reading live data
    2024-01-16 07:33:38.376 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:33:38.376 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:33:38.376 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:33:38.376 command resp=39, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:33:38.376 Received 0xFF-FF-27-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:33:38.376 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:33:48.380 Reading live data
    2024-01-16 07:33:48.400 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:33:48.400 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:33:48.400 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:33:48.400 command resp=39, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:33:48.400 Received 0xFF-FF-27-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:33:48.400 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:33:58.400 Reading live data
    2024-01-16 07:33:58.420 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:33:58.420 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:33:58.420 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:33:58.420 command resp=39, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:33:58.420 Received 0xFF-FF-27-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:33:58.420 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:34:00.050 Minimum data set of pressure, temperature, and wind is not available and NoSensorCheck is not enabled. Skip processing
    2024-01-16 07:34:00.780 Realtime[199]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:34:00.780 Realtime[199]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:34:01.800 Realtime[200]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:34:01.800 Realtime[200]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:34:02.810 Realtime[201]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:34:02.810 Realtime[201]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:34:03.830 Realtime[202]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:34:03.830 Realtime[202]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:34:04.840 Realtime[203]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:34:04.840 Realtime[203]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:34:05.850 Realtime[204]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:34:05.850 Realtime[204]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:34:06.870 Realtime[205]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:34:06.870 Realtime[205]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:34:07.880 Realtime[206]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:34:07.880 Realtime[206]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:34:08.050 ERROR: No data received from the GW1000 for 30 seconds
    2024-01-16 07:34:08.420 Reading live data
    2024-01-16 07:34:08.440 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:34:08.440 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:34:08.440 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:34:08.440 command resp=39, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:34:08.440 Received 0xFF-FF-27-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:34:08.440 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:34:18.440 Reading live data
    2024-01-16 07:34:18.460 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:34:18.460 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:34:18.460 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:34:18.460 command resp=39, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:34:18.460 Received 0xFF-FF-27-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:34:18.460 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:34:28.464 Reading live data
    2024-01-16 07:34:28.484 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:34:28.484 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:34:28.484 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:34:28.484 command resp=39, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:34:28.484 Received 0xFF-FF-27-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:34:28.484 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:34:38.068 ERROR: No data received from the GW1000 for 30 seconds
    2024-01-16 07:34:38.488 Reading live data
    2024-01-16 07:34:38.508 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:34:38.508 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:34:38.508 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:34:38.508 command resp=39, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:34:38.508 Received 0xFF-FF-27-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:34:38.508 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:34:48.510 Reading live data
    2024-01-16 07:34:48.530 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:34:48.530 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:34:48.530 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:34:48.530 command resp=39, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:34:48.530 Received 0xFF-FF-27-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:34:48.530 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:34:58.534 Reading live data
    2024-01-16 07:34:58.554 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:34:58.554 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:34:58.554 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:34:58.554 command resp=39, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:34:58.554 Received 0xFF-FF-27-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:34:58.554 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:35:00.284 Minimum data set of pressure, temperature, and wind is not available and NoSensorCheck is not enabled. Skip processing
    2024-01-16 07:35:00.618 Realtime[2]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:35:00.618 Realtime[2]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:35:01.626 Realtime[3]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:35:01.626 Realtime[3]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:35:02.243 WS Client Disconnected
    2024-01-16 07:35:02.643 Realtime[4]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:35:02.643 Realtime[4]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:35:03.657 Realtime[5]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:35:03.657 Realtime[5]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:35:04.667 Realtime[6]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:35:04.667 Realtime[6]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:35:05.681 Realtime[7]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:35:05.681 Realtime[7]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:35:06.693 Realtime[8]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:35:06.693 Realtime[8]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:35:07.713 Realtime[9]: Start cycle
    2024-01-16 07:35:07.713 Realtime[9]: End cycle
    2024-01-16 07:35:08.083 ERROR: No data received from the GW1000 for 30 seconds
    2024-01-16 07:35:08.563 Reading live data
    2024-01-16 07:35:08.583 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:35:08.583 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Invalid response
    2024-01-16 07:35:08.583 Bad checksum
    2024-01-16 07:35:08.583 command resp=39, checksum=BAD
    2024-01-16 07:35:08.583 Received 0xFF-FF-27-04-01
    2024-01-16 07:35:08.583 GetLiveData: Invalid response
    Exiting system due to external: Ctrl-C
    2024-01-16 07:35:10.993 Cumulus closing
    2024-01-16 07:35:10.993 Releasing mutex
    2024-01-16 07:35:10.993 Stopping timers
    2024-01-16 07:35:10.993 Stopping station...
    2024-01-16 07:35:10.993 Closing connection
    2024-01-16 07:35:10.993 Station stopped
    2024-01-16 07:35:10.993 No data read this session, today.ini not written
    2024-01-16 07:35:10.993 Stopping extra sensors...
    2024-01-16 07:35:10.993 Extra sensors stopped
    2024-01-16 07:35:10.993 Station shutdown complete
    Cumulus has shutdown
    Stazione Meteorologica --Cā Micci (RN) - Monte San Paolo 590 m slm [Montefeltro]
    Stazione Radioamatoriale

  10. #20
    Tempesta violenta L'avatar di Jack95
    Data Registrazione
    Urbino - Gabicce Mare
    27 Post(s)

    Predefinito Re: Stazione meteo Waldbeck WTH3 info software

    Ciao Paolo
    la stazione č online su Ecowitt? Non la vedo dalla weather map...
    Chiedo solo perchč i dati della tua stazione sono interessanti per la nostra zona!
    La mia stazione meteo su Wunderground:
    La mia stazione meteo su Ecowitt:


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